Waiting Lasem Batik Museum

Rembang District government will build a museum of batik in Lasem. Funds budgeted for the realization of the batik museum Rp2billion and targeted to be operational next year (2010).

The museum will collect ancient objects related to the history of Lasem Batik. The number of evidence and historical records in Lasem Batik, because the city district is located 12 Km east of the Rembang city, always known as a Pesisiran Batik industrial center.

The presence of appropriate Lasem Batik Museum awaited, because existence will complement the batik museum which has been established, such as the Pekalongan Batik Museum, Danarhadi Batik Museum, Solo, and Joglo Cipto Wening Batik Museum, Yogyakarta.

Community will gain much benefit from the existence of Lasem Batik Museum. At least people got one more institution that has many functions, such as documentation centers, scientific research, distribution of knowledge, enjoyment of works of art, culture introductions among regions and nations, attractions, culture and wildlife.

But the problem, people are less interested in visiting the museum. Image slums museum became one of the causes. According to archaeologist from the University of Gajah Mada (UGM) David Aris Tanudirjo, since the majority of regional autonomy from the museum's 286 provincial and district / city lots that are not maintained. Naturally, if people are reluctant to visit this cultural institution.

Modern Gallery

The question is, whether the Lasem Batik Museum same fate later became part of the museums are slums? I hope not. For that, the Lasem Batik Museum must be present in the format art gallery or modern art museum.

Lasem Batik Museum course must meet many requirements to be a gallery or modern art museum. Referring to the opinion of former Director General of Culture Edi Sedyawati, the basis for a modern art museum is a large collection of antiques of quality. This means, Lasem Batik Museum must have a large collection of ancient batik high artistic value.

For example, Danarhadi Batik Museum collects more than 10,000 high-quality ancient batik. This museum can take turns showing off thousands of antique batik collection, so that people do not get bored visit. Well, how about a collection of antique batik will be exhibited at the Lasem Batik Museum? Expected to exceed Danarhadi Museum collection.

Modernity art museum is identical to the effectiveness of governance. Referring Museologi expert opinion from the University of Indonesia (UI), Prof.. Dr. Magetsati Nurhadi, modern museum must be managed by people who are reliable in terms of preservation.

That is, the manager of the Lasem Batik Museum must have the competence and administrative management skills so they can work effectively in the physical maintenance and administration of the various collections of antiquities it.

Support the administrative order, the Lasem Batik Museum need to use information technology systems and installing modern equipment, such as hidden cameras (CCTV) and microradio to secure the collection of batik. This is important because these days many cases of theft of ancient objects valuable museum collections.

Lasem Batik Museum also need to appear in a virtual museum format (cyber museum). This step is to address the public daily phenomenon that began to familiar with the global information technology and internet media.

Director of Art House Semarang Tubagus P Svarajat once said, is a virtual museum with a solution futurisik perspective. Virtual museum if designed attractive, interactive, with application interfaces is comfortable, can bring in visitors from anywhere, because the range of distance and time no longer an obstacle.

However, the Lasem Batik Museum still have to appear conventional. All these elements of modernity, the museum should remain packaged in the elegant architecture of the building that stood at strategic locations, so that people like and easy to access.

The most important factor, modernity museums should be supported by human resources (HR) quality. Lasem Batik Museum Manager must have the skills and academic abilities. They must be able to make work programs are easy to attract qualified many visitors.

To improve the quality of prospective managers Lasem Batik Museum, now they should be diligently honed skills by learning museologi in related institutions and museums have developed batik.

It's good they made study visits to the Pekalongan Batik Museum and the Danarhadi Batik Museum. Aim to get the right practical experience to develop the Lasem Batik Museum.

Not mean ignore the regional character, Batik Lasem Museum managers should adopt a management paradigm Pekalongan Batik Museum and Danarhadi Batik Museum. Both are worthy of batik museum guides, because they were considered successful a museum batik able to answer the challenges of the times.

Involve Public

Making the Modern Lasem Batik Museum require substantial funds. Factors funds often make a loss due to Rembang regency budget constraints. For that, the Government needs to open up with a way to involve the public in the management of Lasem Batik Museum.

The government needs to implement a participatory management paradigm or system consortium. This means that the government involve the community, particularly among investors, the management of Lasem Batik Museum. Government and private sector collaboration will be more effective to develop Lasem Batik Museum.

The presence of Lasem Batik Museum facilitate investors get funds that facilitate the implementation of all programs work. Finally, the museum management work not only deals with the collecting function ancient objects, but also synergize the function of education, research, tourism, entertainment, and business, making it easier for the public's attention.(Awi Wiyono, Suara Merdeka, August 27,2009)


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